EMAYC Center in Lviv (Ukraine)
We will spend 3 weeks in Lviv in the center EMAYC early October! We will also help in partner associations such as l'Arche, in the field of disability.
The center was established in 2001 in the Catholic University of Ukraine. Its mission is to extend the Christian vision of gift and the place of disabled people in Ukrainian society. It provides assistance to people with disabilities and their families, encourages a spirit of community, friendship with those in need and attests of the dignity and worth of every human being.
Maria Stella Matutina Cebu (Philippines)
We will spend all the time of Advent and until Christmas with the community of the sisters of Maria Stella Matutina.
With them, we will help the poor children of the mountains, we will surely work with the Parian center which takes care of the children of the streets often arrived in the holds of the boats from other islands, we will distribute meals with the Cucina to the children of the streets ... a very emotional stay!
WYD 2019 (Panama)
We will join the Panama WYD on January 14th for 2 weeks with the Pope!
It is a meeting of young people from all over the world with the Pope, in a festive, religious and cultural atmosphere, which shows the dynamism of the Church and testifies to the actuality of the message of Jesus. "It is much more than an event, it is a time of profound spiritual renewal, the fruits of which benefit the whole of society" (Benedict XVI).
Center to Rehabilitate Young Blind People of Cameroon
Our steps will take us to Cameroon in Yaoundé. It is to CJARC that we will help. "CJARC's vision is to make every blind man in Cameroon, a fully integrated and active citizen in society, in this respect, He has set himself the mission to work towards the rehabilitation and full development of people in Cameroon. In this perspective, education and training are at the center of its activities, so as to meet the need for school and socioprofessional integration of members. "
Cuzco - proche des villages de montagne
Nous allons être accueilli par une association sur Cuzco, elle nous a prévu tout un planning pour visiter les différents villages autour de Cuzco, certain à plus de 6 h !
Points-Coeur au Pérou !
Présente dans 24 pays sur 4 continents, Points-Cœur a pour mission :
– de former et d’envoyer de jeunes volontaires pour vivre au cœur de quartiers défavorisés au service des personnes les plus délaissées.
– de permettre que ces populations puissent se reconstruire et se réinsérer dans le tissu social local, par un travail de solidarité rapprochée prenant en compte toutes les dimensions de la personne.
– de contribuer à la promotion d’une « culture de compassion », qui affirme la place centrale de la personne dans toute vie sociale, économique, politique, scientifique, artistique.